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Install and Use Whoogle and Get Rid of Google

Whoogle Search is an open source, self hosted Google search with teh ads, and a bunch of other junk-ware, stripped out of it.  It really brings you back to a top notch search experience with more privacy in mind.

I found this little gem while talking with Scott, and saw it on his dashboard.  It really peaked my interest, and I'm so glad it did.  You can check out some of Scott's amazing blog articles on all kinds of self hosting, networking, and tech topics at

What you need

  • A Host System (I prefer Linux, but if you use Windows it will work as well)
  • Docker-CE (Community Edition) installed
  • A Terminal or Command Line application (Most Operating Systems have these by default).
  • About 10 minutes of time.

Installation of Whoogle in Docker-CE

If you don't yet have Docker-CE installed, then you'll want to get that done first.  You can head over to for instructions on how to do that, but if you are running CentOS, Ubuntu, or Debian, I may can save you some time.  

I have a few scripts at where you can simply copy the script for your OS, and paste it into a file, then run it to install Docker_CE, Docker-Compose, and set your user in the Docker group as well.

Just pick the file link for your distro, then copy the entire script.

In the terminal, create a new file called


Now, paste the contents into that file with CTRL+Shift+V.

Save with CTRL+O, then Enter, and exit nano with CTRL+X.

Next, just make the file executable with the command:

chmod +x

Now, run the script with the command:


Wait for it to finish, then log out and back in. Voila! You now have Docker and Docker-Compose installed.

Installing Whoogle

Now we want to install Whoogle.

First make a new folder for our docker stuff for this container.

Now move into that directory:

Now make a file called "docker-run.txt" with the command:

nano docker-run.txt

and paste the following into it:

docker run -p 5000:5000 -d --name whoogle-search benbusby/whoogle-search:latest

If you already have port 5000 on your host in use by another application, you can change the left side of the port mapping to any open port number you want.

Once done, copy the text (if changed) by highlighting it, then use CTRL + Shift + C to copy.

Now Save the file with CTRL + O, then Enter, and exit nano with CTRL + x.

Now paste the docker command into the terminal to run it with CTRL + Shift + V.

If it doesn't run on it's own, press Enter to start it running.

Once complete, if there are no errors displayed, you should be able to open a browser window and go to your host IP address on port 5000 (or whichever port you set on the left side of the port mapping).

For instance I go to

Most likely your IP will be different.