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Install and Use Traggo Time Tracking

Tracking the time you spend on projets for your various clients is extremely important. Customers want to know what value they are getting for their money.  They want to see why you are billing them for the time you claim, and a time tracking application is one of the best ways to do that.

Traggo is an impressive application. Subscribing to the use of Tags to define clients, projects, time usage types, work types, and  so much more, you can really setup a system that is specific to the work you (and your employees) are doing. You can generate powerful, insightful dashboards that can provide you with extremely useful information on where your (and your employees') time is being spent.

Installing Docker, Docker-Compose, and NGinX Proxy Manager

Installation via a Simple Script

You can easily install Docker-CE, Docker-Compose, Portainer-CE, and NGinX Proxy manager by using this quick install script I created and maintain on Github.  Just use the command:


To download the script to your desired host.

Change the permissions to make the script executable:

chmod +x ./

and then run the script with the command:


When run, the script will prompt you to select your host operating system, then will ask you which bits of software you want to install.

Simply enter 'y' for each thing you want to install.

At some point, you may be asked for your super user (sudo) password as well.

Allow the script to complete installation.

At this point, you might want to log out and back in, as this will allow you to use the docker and docker-compose commands without the need of sudo in front of them.

Installing Traggo

I always start by creating a hierarchy of folders. I create a parent level docker folder (created already if you used my script above), and then put all of my docker applications in their own folder inside that parent docker folder.  This way I just need to zip up and backup that parent docker folder in order to backup all of my docker applications and data.  To do this, just use the command

mkdir -p docker/traggo

Next, we'll move into our new traggo folder, and create a new file called "docker-compose.yml".

cd docker/traggo

nano docker-compose.yml

Now, copy the code block below, and paste it into the file we just created.  To paste in the terminal on Linux you use CTRL + Shift + V, or you can right click the terminal window and choose 'paste' from the context menu.

version: "3.7"
    image: traggo/server:latest
      - 3030:3030
      TRAGGO_DEFAULT_USER_PASS: "mynewpassword"
      - ./traggodata:/opt/traggo/data

Now, in the block above, you'll want to change the default "admin" username to your name, or some other less obvious user. Also change the default password to a long, strong password, and preferably store it in your password manager.

Finally, if your host machine, the machine where you are running docker, has port 3030 already in use, you'll want to change the port number on the left side of the port mapping to a different, unused port on your host.  Just remember what port you choose.

Now save with CTRL + O, then press enter to confirm, and press CTRL + X to exit the nano editor.

Now, in the terminal we'll start our Traggo instance by using the commands below:

docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f

That's really two commands. The first tells docker to pull down the image and start is as a daemon so it will continue to run in the background for us. The second part says when the app is up and running, show me the logs...thus we can look for any errors. If you don't see any, or you don't want to see the logs just leave off the && docker-compose logs -f portion, and you'll just see a 'done' message when traggo is downloaded, and starting up.

Now, in your favorite modern browser navigate to the IP address of your host machine, and the port number you entered on the left.

I went to in order to see my Traggo.

You should be met with a login screen, and you can now test the username and password you created to make sure you are logged in.

You are now up and running. If you'd like to setup a reverse proxy, make sur to check out myvideos on NGinX Proxy Manager, and the rest of this video to get a URL (Domain Name) setup so you c an access your Tragoo application from anywhere on the internet with a secure SSL connection.