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Discussion Forums

The Awesome Open Source discussion forum was originally setup using Rocketchat, an open source chat system touted as a replacement for the closed source Slack, Teams, and others.  This ran well for several years, but after some major down time due to upgrades that caused issues, it was replaced with Matrix running on a Dendrite server.

You can join the site by registering a Matrix user account at

Click 'Create Account' to register:


On the next screen, click the 'Edit' link to the right of the '' field to enter a custom server domain:


In the modal window, select the option for 'Other homeserver', then put the domain:

into the field, and click 'Continue'.


In the new form that comes up, enter your preferred username, and then a long, strong password, and confirm the password, then click 'Register'.


Finally, you'll be asked to complete a 'Recaptcha' challenge to verify you are a human signing up, or at least not a bot. 

You'll now be added to the server.  There are multiple rooms on the server where you can chat. You should land in the #main room initially.  Feel free to say hello, and introduce yourself.

For getting help, or other topics, definitely check out the other rooms on the server:

  • # help-me-please
  • # networking
  • # home-automation
  • # open-source-in-business

You may want to use the web client, but you may also want to use mobile and / or dedicated desktop clients.  I suggest you go setup any mobile or desktop clients after successfully registering, as the web client can help you verify any other clients you login through. Matrix does have a bit of security around making sure it's really you, when you login to new clients.  There are literally dozens of clients out there, so find one you like and trust for your platforms. 

I currently use FluffyChat on iOS (as it allows me to adjust the font size for my poor vision), and I use both Shildi Chat, and Nheko Chat on the Linux Desktop. They are both pretty good, but i'd have to give Shildi Chat the edge if you asked me to choose. 

I hope to see you on the community, and look forward to interacting with you all. 

You can DM me there @mickintx as well.