Recently Updated Pages
Adding New Users and User Groups to OpenRPort
A viewer asked me how to get this done, and the OpenRPort documentation is a bit light on this. I...
Here are the projects I currently Support monetarily in Open Source
As part of my YouTube Channel, I promise that I will use funds I get from YouTube as well as from...
Moving from Rocketchat to Matrix
Looking for the Open Source Is Awesome Discussion Board? Me too. RocketChat recently instituted...
Install and Setup Bookstack, an Open Source Wiki
Bookstack is an incredibly powerful, open source, self hosted wiki solution. It's set apart fr...
About Awesome Open Source
The Awesome Open Source YouTube channel was started in 2019 after I looked for instructiona...
Discussion Forums
The Awesome Open Source discussion forum was originally setup using Rocketchat, an open source ch...
Upgrade OpenWRT the Easy Way
It's important to keep your Router / Firewall appliances updated to the most recent versions o...
Install Coolify and Confgure
What is Coolify Coolify is an application that can be used to deploy applications, databases, ...
Installing and Configure RPort for Remote Monitoring and Access
These shownotes have been removed as RPort is no longer Open Source. Sadly - RPort was purchased...
Install and Configure OpenRPort RMM
What Is It? OpenRPort is an RMM (Remote Machine Management) tool. It's a server based system ...
Install and Configure Affine
A word about Affine's language when it comes to self-hosting vs "cloud". It's a bit confusing,...
Installing Zabbix Monitor with Docker
UPDATED: June 6, 2024 with newer instructions I've been asked about Zabbix for a while now. I...
Install and Configure a Primary and Secondary Technitium Authoritative Name Server
Authoritative DNS First, you'll want to have a domain name you've registered, and can change t...
Netbird - Update to add Relays
Netbird has put out an update with version 0.29.0 of ther amazing open source Wireguard server ...
Install Get My
I built Get My to fill a gap I perceived in the open source world of list apps. There are tons...
Install RocketChat
RocketChat is an open source, self hostable chat application that rivals the likes of Teams and...
Movie List for me and the girls
This is a list of movies I wanted to watch with my girls. They are just movies that I found age ...
Install and Setup Docuseal
If you've ever had to sign an electronic document in the last 10 years, you've likely been sent...
New Page
Neofetch has long been the tool used by Linux enthusiasts to display their system info. They us...
Terms for a Video Review
For transparency, these are the terms I send, and the requesting party must agree to before I'll ...