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Self Hosted Push with

A server to send notifications triggered by time, events, etc from your various systems. What ...

Updated 11 months ago by Brian McGonagill

Install, Run, and Federate Databag

Fediverse Databag - Open Source, E2E Encrypted, F...

I have covered multiple chat applications over the years, and as I was digging through my list ...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Use Viseron

NVRs / Surveillance Systems Viseron NVR

Viseron is fairly new to the open source options for NVRs as of the writing of this article.  I...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Lemmy - A Self Hosted, Open Source Alternative to Reddit

Lemmy - Reddit Alternative

If you've watched any number of my videos, you'll know that I really enjoy Reddit.  It's my kin...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

3 Mastodon Clients

Fediverse 3 Great Mastodon Clients

I'm a pretty big fan of the Fediverse. I'm not a massive social media person beyond Youtube, bu...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

The Software I use in 2023

What I Use Day to Day What I'm using in 2023

This is where I post my almost annual information regarding which open source software I actual...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Setup TrueNAS Core

Network Attached Storage (NAS) TrueNAS

We'll be taking a small series adventure into the world of TrueNAS.  I'll be starting with True...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Using NginX Proxy Manager for proper Website Routing

NGinX Proxy Manager Install and Setup NGinX Proxy Manager

What's NginX? NginX (pronounced Engine-X) is a web-server, and reverse proxy.  Basically, it c...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Securing NGinX Proxy Manager

NGinX Proxy Manager Securing NGinX Proxy Manager

I've covered NGinX Proxy Manager, a web GUI for NGinX Web Server in multiple videos.  I essenti...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Setup Proxmox Virtualization OS

Virtualization (Virtual Machines) Proxmox

Proxmox is an excellent, powerful, and sophisticated Virtualization Operating System built on L...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Setup Openfire XMPP Server

Chat Openfire XMPP Server

Encrypted messaging has become a hot mess of one off platforms, and painful setups over the pas...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Ampache Music Streaming Server

Music Streaming Ampache

Why Run Your Own Music Streaming Server? I've been an iTunes user for more than a decade, in f...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

NTOPNG - Network Analysis Dashboard


NTOPNG (I rponounce it N-Top-N-G) is a browser based server application you can run in Docker. ...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install LazyDocker

Docker Management LazyDocker

LazyDocker is an amazingly useful command line utility for managing Docker applications / servi...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Configure OrangeHRM

Open Source Personnel Management Humna Resource Management

Human Resource Management, or HRM, is a broad topic to say the least.  In this episode of Build...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install Pi-hole and Unbound DNS

DNS Options for Your LAN Pi-Hole with Unbound

Pi-hole is an amazing tool with tons of functionality beyond it's main purpose of filtering out...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Force Docker Containers to use a VPN

Containers and VPNs Force a Container to use a VPN

I wanted to clear up the steps a bit, as my original set is a bit convoluted. I made it more co...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Setup Dolibarr ERP

Open Source ERP Dolibarr ERP

Dolibarr is a free, open source, self hosted ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Cl...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Install and Use Whoogle and Get Rid of Google

Search Whoogle Search

Whoogle Search is an open source, self hosted Google search with teh ads, and a bunch of other ...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill

Installing Solid Invoice

Open Source Invoicing Software Solid Invoice

I've been asked several times to install InvoiceNinja, and no matter how I tried, it never seem...

Updated 1 year ago by Brian McGonagill